Build a strong foundation before embarking on the journey. Any form of photo or video shoot starts with the pre-production process. The more detail and attention given to this process, the smoother the production and post-production processes go.
In simple words, pre-production is almost everything that happens before you begin an actual shoot on site. This starts with writing down the story, moves on to the scripting stage, followed by location hunting (also known as recce), storyboarding, shot breakdowns, and working out requirement and procurement of equipment, costume, props, cast, and crew amongst other things. As is evident from above, pre-production is an extensive process, which when done correctly, saves a lot of time and trouble when the actual shoot begins. No matter what the scale of the shoot, hiring a third party agency to look after your pre-production not only ensures that every detail has been taken care of, but also leaves you with more mind-space to focus on the actual creative direction of the film or photoshoot in a systematic manner. Lastly, along with the time, effort, resources, and headache saved through the other processes of production and post-production, a well done pre-production process forms concrete guidelines for every crew member. It becomes much simpler to assign responsibilities, timelines, and budgets, to the different individuals involved, ensuring complete clarity on set.
Our experience in the field of corporate photography and films has enabled us to look beyond what lies in front of us. Instead of delivering a product that just looks appealing, we work to deliver products that work for you, getting involved at the conceptualizing stage itself.
With extremely strong protocols and processes set in place, we have a team of individuals that are experts in their own fields so that when put together, you get a set of photos or films that have been strategized, written, shot, edited, and finished in the best possible way.
We understand that not everyone is as comfortable in front of a camera as some others are. However, it is extremely critical for us that the entire experience is comfortable for you. To that effect, we choose to personally be there for you, getting through the process together.
we take an idea or story and work on converting into a script complete with dialogue and action in it. A Holy Book on set, this script is what paves the way to almost every other process of the pre-production and production processes.
once a script is ready, storyboarding is the first step of translating written words into visuals. Quick sketches worked out by a team comprising the director of photography (DoP), director, cinematographer, and sometimes writer, a storyboard guides decision making in terms of what equipment will be required, how much time it might take to shoot a scene, what crew and cast members are required, locations that need to be prepped, and so on.